The power of breath + ice baths with Campbell

Campbell is a physiotherapist and a certified Wim Hof Method instructor. Alongside the Wim Hof Method, he has explored numerous breathing practices, taking what he finds to be useful and integrating elements into his workshops.

He has combined his love of breath work with his physiotherapy knowledge and has developed workshops designed to teach people how to optimise their respiratory system, and how to use it as a tool for improved health and well-being, stress and anxiety relief, chronic pain management and chronic fatigue. His workshops connect people with their breath, mind and body through movement, targeted tissue release, and specific breathing practices. He has a deep passion for the breath, the body and the nervous system which has driven him to teach others how they too can take control.

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Key points:

What inspired Campbell to work more with the nervous system during his career as a physiotherapist? The nervous system sits on top of the hierarchy for wellness in the body - the master regulator. The breath is the way in. A moment working in ICU that pushed Campbell further into investigating breath work. It then became his passion & integrated into his physiotherapy practice. How can we work WITH stress rather than against it? Stress isn't the enemy. How we react to stress is the problem. Stress can cause positive adaptation if we have tools to draw on - like breath. The power of the visual field & our mind to enter into the parasympathetic nervous system based on Dr Huberman's research. Everyone has access to their breath! We can use it to our advantage & positively impact our physiology. How breath work & ice baths can increase our confidence. Our breath is often overlooked as a tool, because it's free. The Wim Hof method is simply a modern package of ancient principles. Wim Hof's reason behind his passion was the death of his wife. He is on a mission to heal the world from mental health issues. Our body has untapped potential & wisdom but our mind can too often override that. Campbell shares the positive results observed from his workshops - weight loss, PTSD, Lyme disease, building resilience, sleep improves & the ability to shed emotional layers. Potent reminder: Our mind & body has a deep medicine cabinet that we can access.