Stuffed capsicums

This is an easy veggie filled meal.


3-4 cloves garlic, 1x red onion, 2 red capsicums, 2x yellow squash, 1x zucchini, 1/4 pumpkin, 2 cups quinoa, 1x handful pine nuts, 2x tbsp coconut oil, dash paprika, tamari, tahini, goat’s feta (optional). Keep adjusting sauce until desired taste & consistency is met. I could also suggest a yummy satay sauce stirred through.


Turn the oven onto 180 degree & pop the capsicums into the oven to roast & slightly soften. May take about 20mins.

Put the quinoa on to cook (about 2 cups).

Then sauted the red onion & garlic in coconut oil. Once browned, add all the vegetables until softened. Stir through the quinoa & add the tahini, tamari, pine nuts, paprika & optional goat’a feta.

Once combined take the capsicum out of the oven & stuff with filling then place back into the oven & cook for a further 5mins.

Serve with steamed broccoli on the side.
